Aim 1: To provide a responsive, supportive and innovative service


  • Deliver and expand a variety and range of training to meet identified need
  • Increase opportunities of professional and personal development through the provision of support services
  • Increase access to services and service effectiveness through strategic promotion, networking and collaboration
  • Provide a safe, secure fit for purpose learning/working environment

Aim 2: To be a catalyst for community development


  • Seek opportunities to maintain and develop intra and inter community interaction
  • Engage with existing and develop strategic networks and opportunities for collaborative working
  • Promote and share FSWC best practice with relevant community, voluntary and statutory sectors

Aim 3: To grow and sustain an effective organisation


  • Build sustainable revenue through a variety of restricted and unrestricted income streams
  • Develop and implement monitoring and evaluation tools and systems for impact measurement
  • Ensure sound organisational governance through an appropriately skilled Board of Directors
  • Recognise and value staff and volunteer expertise and provide opportunities for continued professional development
  • Maintain and promote FSWC as a recognised quality assured organisation
  • Maximise organisational effectiveness through actively seeking collaborative working opportunities



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Mid Ulster Council